I'm Alberto Schiabel, a Software Engineer with over 7 years of professional experience based in Milan, Italy. I use @jkomyno as my internet nickname.
I hold a Master's Degree in Computer Science obtained with Honors at the University of Padua, one of the most ancient universities of the world, and one of the most advanced technical universities in Italy. I have written my thesis in Mathematical Optimization and Submodular Algorithms in collaboration with the Czech Technical University in Prague.
I have worked in several product and consulting software companies, but I've been also a freelancer and a startup co-founder. I've been a Full-Stack Software Engineer for most of my career, but I'm mainly interested in Backend development and Software Architecture planning.
I'm curious and passionate about functional programming, approximations and heuristics for NP-hard algorithms and software engineering best practices. I also have some Machine Learning knowledge that I would love to put into practice.
Drop me an email for new opportunities.
04 - References
Alberto is an extremely knowledgeable software developer.
He is also a collaborative engineer with lots of insight that goes beyond development. He has a keen eye for detail and is always looking to improve his knowledge.
I highly recommend Alberto!